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Credit cards can increase your purchasing power, but how many credit cards are too many? There are both pros and cons of having multiple cards.
Continue ReadingIdentity theft is undeniably costly. According to a 2018 study by Javelin Strategy & Research, the number of ID theft fraud victims in the U.S. rose 8% in 2017 to an all-time high of 16.7 million consumers. That same study found that there were 1.3 million more victims than in 2016, with the total amount stolen in 2017 reaching an incredible $16.8 billion.
As credit scores have become more available and accessible, consumer interest in them has grown—but so has consumer confusion. Most people don’t understand the differences between credit scores, and many don’t know the difference between credit scores and credit reports. Throw in credit reporting agencies, and it gets even more confusing.
Congratulations! You’ve decided to take the plunge. As you and your soon-to-be spouse plan your future together, you undoubtedly have a lot to be excited about and many changes to prepare for. One of the biggest changes you encounter could be how you choose to handle your finances as a married couple. And your credit histories may play a big role in that decision.
This material is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a qualified tax advisor, attorney or financial advisor. Readers should consult with their own tax advisor, attorney or financial advisor with regard to their personal situations.